Human Forte - Interim Management

Interim Management

If you have got it, you must flaunt it

As the definition suggests, Interim management is the temporary provision of management resources and skills. Interim management can be seen as the short-term assignment of a proven heavyweight interim executive manager to manage a period of transition, crisis or change within an organization.

Interim Management is a widely used term specially when the companies who are looking for external support assign senior executives on a short-term arrangement. It is usually a transitory assignment succeeded by an Interim executive to deliver and drive the required change.

Interim administrators are highly specialised professionals who come with niche skillsets and diverse experiences who are capable of supporting companies in temporary assignments with the effective implementation best practices in challenging scenarios.They act as a the change drivers in your business and know to possess experiences in providing solutions specially in the ecosystem which is dynamic in nature.

Variation analysis, project management, turnaround management, change management, and other related skills are all included in the scope  of interim management assignments. The phases of the 'assignment lifecycle' which describe the normal steps interim managers take to begin an assignment, get to the point of execution and complete it, and then conclude the assignment.

The scope of interim management is quite unique and let us know in case you feel your organisation is in the need of such external support.